Saturday, 18 June 2011

PB/BOP Mountain Biking Champions

Congratulations to our successful team of students who travelled to Taupo. For the first time since the competition was introduced in 1997 Tauranga Intermediate School won the top school team. A huge effort in miserable conditions. A particular mention must go to the following students:

Cullen Brown 1st Year 8 Boys
Jack Wilson 3rd Year 7 Boys
Taylor Birks-Stock 3 Year 8 Girls

These three students along with results from Marshall Wells and Tom Johnson completed the winning team.

A huge thank you to all the parents for your support and transporting the students down to Taupo in terrible conditions.

1 comment:

  1. What an AWESOME effort team! You are the first Tauranga Intermediate team to bring home the trophy - Well done. You are all stars.
    Mr Cunliffe
